Don Bosco School, Udaipur is a co- educational English Medium Catholic Institution established on 15th February 1999. It is owned and managed by the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC) a registered body under the Societies Registration Act XII of 1983.
This society was founded by Lt. Archbishop Stephen Ferrando the then bishop of Shillong. He was born on 28th September 1895 at Rossiglione, near Genova in Northern Italy. His education in Salesian School at Fossano and later in Don Bosco's own Oratory at Turin brought him into close contact with the life of the Salesians. As a great educator he understood well the importance of education in the development of the people. In India the land of his adoption, he took initiative to provide educational facilities for the young in villages, by establishing schools, colleges, boarding schools and vocational training centers. On October 24th he founded the society of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians, the first indigenous congregation in North Fast India, and to this day it keeps alive the vision of education.
Sr. Tessy Joseph
Smart Class Available in all the class room for interactive Learning...
Well equipped Biology Lab available in the school for students......
Well equipped Chemistry Lab available in the school for students...
Well equipped Physics Lab available in the school for students....
Transportation Facility available for all students as per requirement they can use. ...
Library For Students with lots of book and Collection....
Computer Lab...
TC Sample...
Affiliation Status...
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